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Buchbestellungen in AT versandkostenfrei
Abbestellungen sind nur zum Ende eines Jahrganges möglich und müssen bis spätestens 30. November des Jahres schriftlich erfolgen. Unterbleibt die Abbestellung, so läuft das Abonnement automatisch auf ein Jahr und zu den jeweils gültigen Abopreisen weiter.
Basic knowledge of European Tax Law
This concise handbook has become a traditional instrument for gaining basic knowledge of European tax law with emphasis on direct taxes. It is directed at students, experienced international tax specialists with little knowledge of European law, European law specialists and non-Europeans who deal with Europe for business or academic reasons and need to understand the foundations of European tax law. Moreover, this book can be useful to academics without a legal background in approaching technical issues raised by European Union tax law, as well as give inspiration to the most experienced European direct tax law experts.
This sixth edition further refines and updates the content, but also enhances the coordination across the chapter and the selection of case law in line with the weight that it carries for the development of European tax law.
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Service Hotline: +43 1 246 30-801 |