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Alexandra Miladinovic, LL.M. BSc. LL.B.

Alle Produkte von LL.M. BSc. LL.B. Alexandra Miladinovic

5 Treffer

Whether students, international tax specialists or European law specialists: This handbook is a concise guide to gain basic knowledge of European tax law. In the eighth edition, the EU Global Minimum Tax Directive is covered in a separate chapter.

Whether student, international tax specialist or european law specialist: This handbook is a concise guide to gain basic knowledge of European tax law. The seventh edition further refines and updates the content, but also enhances the coordination across the chapter and the selection of case law.

Miladinovic | Bravo (Hrsg.)
Series on International Tax Law, Volume 124

This volume provides an in-depth analysis of various aspects of CFC legislation. It analyses different approaches to successfully address base erosion and profit shifting through the use of CFC legislation and provides practical guidance for the effective implementation and application of CFC rules.

Basic knowledge of European Tax Law


Whether student, international tax specialist or european law specialist: "Introduction to European Tax Law on Direct ...

Ausgewählte Fälle aus der österreichischen und europäischen Rechtsprechung 2017–2018

Pro und Kontra: Lösungen auf dem Prüfstand


  • In welchem Wirtschaftsjahr ist die Nachversteuerung bei Ausscheiden eines ausländischen Gruppenmitglieds aus der Unternehmensgruppe vorzunehmen?
  • Begründet die ...


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