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Mag.phil. Dr.iur. Astrid Tangl

Astrid Tangl, Went to law school in Innsbruck, Gainesville (Florida), Paris and Notre Dame (Indiana) and has a double major in American Studies; 1995 clerkship at the State Attorney’s office for the 17th Judicial Circuit in Florida, from 1998-2002 assistant professor at the department of civil law / University of Innsbruck, since 2002 visiting lecturer at the University of Innsbruck; since 2004 District Court judge in Austria.

Alle Produkte von Mag.phil. Dr.iur. Astrid Tangl

1 Treffer
With a Short Introduction to the US Legal System
Since legal language can neither be taught nor understood without context, English for Lawyers and Law Students essentially serves two purposes: It provides an insight into selected issues of the US legal system and in doing so acquaints the reader with (primarily American) English legal ...


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