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Josef Schuch
© Stephan Huger | Studio Huger

Univ.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Josef Schuch

Josef Schuch ist Professor am Institut für Österreichisches und Internationales Steuerrecht der WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) sowie Steuerberater und Partner bei Deloitte in Wien.

Alle Produkte von Univ.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Josef Schuch

71 Treffer
Wiener Bilanzrechtstage 2024

Nachhaltigkeit ist seit einigen Jahren ein normativer Schlüsselbegriff. In diesem Band werden zentrale Fragen der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung, Nachhaltigkeitsprüfung und der gesellschaftsrechtlichen, kapitalmarktrechtlichen und steuerrechtlichen Folgen diskutiert und erste Lösungen angeboten.

Series on International Tax Law, Volume 144

This book analyses selected topics (e.g., fighting VAT fraud, obligations imposed on digital platforms, taxable person, taxable transactions, place of supply, taxable base and rates, exemptions, and deductions) by examining the most prominent and recent judgments of the CJEU.

Whether students, international tax specialists or European law specialists: This handbook is a concise guide to gain basic knowledge of European tax law. In the eighth edition, the EU Global Minimum Tax Directive is covered in a separate chapter.

Series on International Tax Law, Volume 142

This book discusses the most important cases in the field of direct taxation pending before or recently decided by the CJEU. Moreover, the national background of these cases is discussed and possible infringements of the fundamental freedoms and and State aid rules are analyzed. The analyses are presented by esteemed national and European tax law experts.

Series on International Tax Law, Volume 140

This book is a unique publication that provides a global overview of international tax disputes in respect of double tax conventions and thereby fills a gap in the area of tax treaty case law. It covers the 29 most important tax treaty cases that were decided around the world in 2022.


Die Gesamtkommentierung des Mindestbesteuerungsgesetzes bietet eine fundierte Orientierung in einem komplexen Steuerrechtsgebiet unter Berücksichtigung der Bezüge zur Internationalen Rechnungslegung. Ein unverzichtbares Nachschlagewerk für Rechtsanwenderinnen, Praktiker und beratende Berufsgruppen!

Series on International Tax Law, Volume 141

This book discusses the most important cases in the field of direct taxation pending before or recently decided by the CJEU. Moreover, the national background of these cases is discussed and possible infringements of the fundamental freedoms and secondary EU law are analyzed. The analyses are presented by esteemed national and European tax law experts.

Series on International Tax Law, Volume 139

This book analyses selected topics (e.g., fighting VAT fraud, obligations imposed on digital platforms, taxable person, taxable transactions, place of supply, taxable base and rates, exemptions, and deductions) by examining the most prominent and recent judgments of the CJEU.

Wiener Bilanzrechtstage 2023

Im Zusammenhang mit grenzüberschreitenden Umgründungen werden in diesem Band betriebswirtschaftliche, rechnungslegungs-, gesellschafts-, arbeits- sowie steuerrechtliche Fragen von ausgewiesenen Expertinnen und Experten interdisziplinär analysiert und diskutiert.

Series on International Tax Law, Volume 138

This book is a unique publication that provides a global overview of international tax disputes in respect of double tax conventions and thereby fills a gap in the area of tax treaty case law. It covers the 37 most important tax treaty cases that were decided around the world in 2021.

Der Band mit Beiträgen ausgewiesener Expertinnen und Experten lotet die verfassungsrechtlichen Grenzen bei der Verfolgung steuerpolitischer Ziele aus, analysiert verschiedene Fragestellungen rund um das Thema Steuerpolitik und Verfassungsrecht und evaluiert diese aus einer Außenperspektive.

Series on International Tax Law, Volume 133

This book analyses selected topics (e.g. taxpayer rights in EU VAT law, bad debt and insolvency in VAT law, taxable base and rates, exemptions, and deductions) by examining the most prominent and recent judgments of the CJEU. Experts from all over the world have provided their input.

Wiener Bilanzrechtstage 2022

Die Effekte des seit Jahren herrschenden niedrigen Zinsniveaus auf Unternehmensbewertung, Finanzierung, Rechnungslegung, Steuerrecht und Gesellschaftsrecht werden in diesem Band fachübergreifend von ausgewiesenen Expertinnen und Experten aus Beratung, Finanzverwaltung und Wissenschaft untersucht.

Series on International Tax Law, Volume 132

This book discusses the most important cases in the field of direct taxation pending before or recently decided by the CJEU. Moreover, the national background of these cases is discussed and possible infringements of the fundamental freedoms and secondary EU law are analyzed. The analyses are presented by esteemed national and European tax law experts.

Whether student, international tax specialist or european law specialist: This handbook is a concise guide to gain basic knowledge of European tax law. The seventh edition further refines and updates the content, but also enhances the coordination across the chapter and the selection of case law.


Die 3. Auflage des bewährten Kommentars zum KStG berücksichtigt die vielen gesetzlichen Änderungen, die seit der Vorauflage ergangen sind, etwa die Ökosoziale Steuerreform 2022, die Neueinführung von Vorschriften für die Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung sowie die Zinsschranke und die hybriden Gestaltungen.

Series on International Tax Law, Volume 130

This book is a unique publication that gives a global overview of international tax disputes on double tax conventions and thereby fills a gap in the area of tax treaty case law. It covers the thirty most important tax treaty cases that were decided around the world in 2020.

Series on International Tax Law, Volume 129

This book analyses selected topics (e.g. fundamental principles and VAT, VAT treatment of financial services, taxable base and rates, exemptions, and deductions) by examining the most prominent and recent judgments of the CJEU. Experts from all over the world have provided their input.

Wiener Bilanzrechtstage 2021

Unternehmenskauf und -verkauf aus betriebswirtschaftlicher, rechnungslegungsrechtlicher, gesellschafts- und steuerrechtlicher Sicht. Fragen im Zusammenhang mit Kaufpreisfindung, -finanzierung, Bilanzierung und Besteuerung der Transaktion werden ebenso behandelt wie solche zu Spaltung.

Series on International Tax Law, Volume 127

This book discusses the most important cases in the field of direct taxation pending before or recently decided by the CJEU. Moreover, the national background of these cases is discussed and possible infringements of the fundamental freedoms and secondary EU law are analyzed. The analyses are presented by esteemed national and European tax law experts.

Series on International Tax Law, Volume 126

This book is a unique publication that gives a global overview of international tax disputes in respect of double tax conventions and thereby fills a gap in the area of tax treaty case law. It covers the 32 most important tax treaty cases that were decided around the world in 2019.

Rechtsformwahl - Zinshausthemen - Internationale Strukturen - Immobilienfonds

„Immobilienbesteuerung“ bietet Ihnen einen Überblick über die wichtigsten nationalen und internationalen steuerlichen Aspekte, die in der Praxis der Immobilieninvestitionen zu beachten sind: von den steuerlichen Auswirkungen der Immobilienveranlagungen bis zur Übertragung von Liegenschaften.

Series on International Tax Law, Volume 123

This book analyzes selected topics (e.g. fundamental principles and VAT, administrative cooperation in VAT, taxable base and rates, exemptions, and deductions) by examining the most prominent and recent judgments of the CJEU. Experts from all over the world have provided their input.

Series on International Tax Law, Volume 121

This book is a unique publication that gives a global overview of international tax disputes on double tax conventions and thereby fills a gap in the area of tax treaty case law. It covers the 41 most important tax treaty cases which were decided in 2018 around the world.


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