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Raffaele Petruzzi
© Stephan Huger | Studio Huger

Dr. Raffaele Petruzzi, LL.M.

Raffaele Petruzzi is the Managing Director of the WU Transfer Pricing Center at the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) and an international tax advisor specializing in international tax and transfer pricing at Baker McKenzie, where is part of the EMEA Transfer Pricing Group and is the Head of the Austria Transfer Pricing Group. Raffaele has gained extensive experience in dealing with topics related to international tax and transfer pricing for many years, both from a professional and an academic side. He is a frequent speaker in international conferences and lecturer of numerous courses all over the world, as well as author of many publications. Finally, amongst others, he is a member of the United Nations Subcommittee on Transfer Pricing, of the International Fiscal Association (IFA), and of Transfer Pricing Economists for Development (TPED). Raffaele holds a Ph.D. in International Business Taxation at WU, an LL.M. in International Tax Law at WU, and an M.Sc. in Business Administration and Law at Bocconi University.

Alle Produkte von Dr. LL.M. Raffaele Petruzzi

8 Treffer
Lang | Petruzzi (Hrsg.)
Current Developments, Relevant Issues and Possible Solutions

This publication covers various issues related to business restructuring, including delineation and recognition, remuneration of restructuring and post-restructuring, and other relevant issues such as exit taxes, location savings, permanent establishments, and implications of COVID-19.

Lang | Petruzzi (Hrsg.)
Current Developments, Relevant Issues and Possible Solutions

This book discusses the most important issues and recent developments related to transfer pricing and financial transactions. It contains an analysis on the delineation of financial transactions and deals with the specific transactions concerning loans, financial guarantees, and cash pooling.

Lang | Storck | Petruzzi (Hrsg.)
Series on International Tax Law, Volume 118

This book presents the most important issues and recent developments related to the attribution of profits to permanent establishments. It contains the opinions of representatives of tax administrations, multinationals and tax advisories.

Series on International Tax Law, Volume 116

Value Creation and its effects on Transfer Pricing and tax law


Emerging from the OECD/G20 BEPS Project, a new, somewhat fuzzy notion of Value Creation came to permeate not only Transfer Pricing language but also wider allocation rules and anti-abuse ...

Current Developments, Relevant Issues and Possible Solutions

This book provides the most important issues and recent developments related to transfer pricing treatment of intangibles. Based on the outcomes of the WU Transfer Pricing Symposium it contains the opinions of representatives of tax administrations, multinationals and tax advisories.

Lang | Haunold (Hrsg.)
Der gläserne Steuerpflichtige
Von verstärkter Transparenz bis zum gläsernen Steuerpflichtigen

Wie geheim sollen Steuerdaten sein? Was ist durch das Verrechnungspreisdokumentationsgesetz zu beachten? Welche Auswirkungen hat die vermehrte Transparenz im Steuerrecht? Antworten dazu und ...

Petruzzi | Spies (Hrsg.)
Series on International Tax Law, Volume 86
The Major Developments in Tax Policy

Steadily increasing globalization as well as the financial and economic crisis have brought major challenges for states in ensuring budgetary consolidation while maintaining sustainable economic growth. These developments have not only ...


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